The port city of Hoi An is located on the coast of central Vietnam, and is popular with tourists for its charming Ancient Town, nearby beaches, and great shopping (including affordable custom tailors). The least-populated destination on our Vietnam trip (population of approximately 120,000), the city felt touristic at times, but offered a wide array of activities, and I was glad that we had decided to spend three nights there. It also didn’t hurt that we were staying at one of the top hotels in the country: Four Seasons Nam Hai.

Getting from Hue to Hoi An

As previously mentioned in the post about my Vietnam itinerary, the quickest route from Hue to Hoi An is to fly to Da Nang, then drive 45 minutes or so to Hoi An. However, we opted to book a private car transfer between the cities so we could see all the sights along the way, which proved to be much more insightful and amusing than a quick flight.

We booked our transfer through BNT Travel, which earned my stamp of approval. The booking process was easy, communication was excellent, and our driver was professional and accommodating.

Stop #1: The quaint fishing village and beach at Lang Co, about an hour from Hue
After a quick break at the beach, we stopped at this viewpoint
The day was mostly overcast, but we welcomed the cooling cloud cover as long as it didn’t rain on us

Next we drove up and over Hai Van pass, which offered beautiful views of the coastline and greenery as we traversed the winding road. At the summit of the pass, we stopped to explore the bunkers that had mostly been built by the French, but were used by the U.S. during the Vietnam-American War (I can’t bring myself to call it the Vietnam War in this context since the people in Vietnam refer to it as the American War).

One of numerous structures at the former military site
I could imagine how this would be an important defensive site, given its location atop the pass, overlooking the coast

Our third stop would be the Golden Bridge, which I was eager to visit after seeing several pictures on Instagram of the dramatic pedestrian bridge cradled by a couple massive hands sculpted in stone. As we drove south and east, I envisioned a lush national park that happened to include a modern, Insta-friendly foot bridge.

Upon arrival at Ba Na Hills, I realized I had been sorely mistaken. We weren’t going to a national park, we were going to a massive amusement park. As our driver pulled our car into the huge parking lot and led us to the tram that would take us to the ticket booth, Vicki and I looked at each other with alarm. “Are we sure we want to do this?” Vicki asked me with an understandably dubious expression. I shared her concern. This seemed like a less-than-authentic Vietnamese experience. We hadn’t traveled to Southeast Asia to go to a theme park full of tourists. And we certainly didn’t want to be surrounded by throngs of screaming children.

However, we were already at the park, and one of the joys of travel is experiencing spontaneous surprises. Plus, I really wanted to see that damn Golden Bridge for myself. Vicki and I headed to the ticket booth to purchase our tickets (not included with the transfer, and only slightly less expensive than the entire car ride had cost us, i.e. not cheap). We braced ourselves to be ready for anything and agreed to meet our driver in two hours. Would we even need that much time?

First we took the cable car up to the top of one of the hills (according to Wikipedia, it is the longest non-stop single track cable car, so I suppose we gained bragging rights with that ride)
The views of the land below encompassed thick, jungly, green hills separated by a beautiful blue river. Aside from the cable car, there are also hiking trails that wind up and around the hills, which I’m sure are wonderful.

Some more background on Ba Na Hills that will help put the park into perspective: the resort was founded in 1919 by French colonists that wanted a cool retreat from the hot, humid summers in Vietnam (located nearly 1500 meters above sea level, it can be 10-15 degrees cooler up in the hills, which we can confirm based on our own experience). The site was essentially abandoned and left to ruin during the country’s tumult later in the twentieth century, but was acquired by Sun World in more recent years and renovated into a modern theme park based on its French resort roots.

We certainly hadn’t come to Vietnam to visit a reproduction of French culture, but it made me feel better that the site did have some historical context, even if it was rather confused and messy. Plus, we were two of the only white people visiting the park; the vast majority of visitors were Asian. While this wasn’t the cultural experience that I would typically seek out in my travels, it did seem to offer a unique perspective.

Finally! A glimpse of the Golden Bridge
Proof I was there
One more with both of us

The Golden Bridge was the first attraction that we saw after disembarking from the cable car. With the one must-see site checked off our list, we then needed to figure out what else we wanted to do in the expansive park. Suddenly, two hours seemed like an overly restrictive constraint of our time.

Le Jardin d’Amour was full of delights
Not the only time Vicki has posed with a giant chess board
We were really starting to get into things at this point
I was never able to figure out how the giant Buddha figured into the French theme
Then we found the wine cellar, where they agreed to sell us takeaway wine. This was my kind of theme park.
Selfie sticks were EVERYWHERE
In case you are wondering, this is a French village
This giant castle was still under construction during our visit, but I’m so curious to see how it turns out. Who wants to return with me?
Of course there was a church
Our final stop: the alpine roller coaster. We had to wait in a long line that caused us to be late meeting up with our driver, but we couldn’t visit a theme park and not go on a ride.
Getting pulled back up the hill at the end of the ride. Interestingly, the “alpine car” had its own brakes that I could operate myself and control how fast (or slow) I wanted to experience the track. Faster, please! I had to laugh at the Asian aunties yanking on the brakes while their faces alternated between expressions of horror and glee.
Then we had to rush back down the cable car to find our driver. I delighted in finding this couple in matching outfits near the exit (in banana print, nonetheless!)

The final stop before reaching our hotel would be the Marble Mountains, where we could hike and view Buddhist temples.

Dragon sculptures at the Marble Mountains
Second giant Buddha of the day
This pagoda was beautiful
Visiting the cave, which housed another Buddha (and was also quite damp)
Finally, we climbed to the highest point of the Marble Mountains, which afforded 360 degree views of Da Nang. While I welcomed the steep climb of a workout, I wished I was wearing more suitable attire than a maxi dress and sandals. There were a lot of steps – and they were steep.
We made it to the top! Yes, we were those girls wearing dresses to go hiking (not intentionally!)
Overlooking Da Nang

From the Marble Mountains, it was a fifteen minute drive to our accommodations: the Four Seasons Nam Hai. I had heard only good things about the resort and couldn’t wait to check it out myself.

Staying at the Four Seasons Nam Hai

Sure enough, the Four Seasons was heavenly. The expansive beachfront property felt luxurious, private, and calming. After the past four nights of staying in (very nice) city hotels and jumping from place to place, I was ready for a slight change of pace.

The stunning view to the beach from the FS infinity pools
After check-in, we were given a tour of the property in a golf cart and delivered to our ocean view villa
Because I booked through my friends at Cartology Travel, we were given an upgrade to an ocean view villa, complimentary breakfast, a $100 spa credit, and late check-in/early check-out (not needed, but still nice to have as an option). Oh, we were also welcomed with a free bottle of bubbly!
Our majestic bed
The sunset sky on our first night was unbelievable
Vicki, doing her best with the centering chime ritual

After settling into our lovely villa and enjoying our bottle of sparkling wine, we decided to venture into town. The Four Seasons is about a fifteen minute drive from the Ancient Town of Hoi An and offers regularly scheduled shuttles to transport guests to/from town. We took the shuttle a couple times, but found that it was easy and affordable to book a car via Grab if we didn’t want to be tied to the hotel schedule.

You could still see the French influence in some of the older buildings in the Ancient Town

One of the nice things about being in the Ancient Town was that motorized vehicles weren’t permitted. As much as I had enjoyed the buzzy energy associated with the ubiquitous motorbikes in Vietnam, it was a relief to not have to stress every time we wanted to cross the street.

There was something very romantic about the town’s narrow, lantern-lit streets and alleys

Our plan was to stop at Tadioto, a restaurant/bar known for having great cocktails, then have dinner at Co Mai, a higher end restaurant (by Vietnam standards, that is). Both were excellent.

I particularly liked the mission statement on Tadioto’s menu cover

Then it was back to our villa for a good night’s sleep. Our bike tour didn’t start until 12:45pm the following day, but we wanted to get up early to work out (definitely needed to do some damage control after all the incredible food) and explore Hoi An a bit during the daytime.

Hoi An’s charming Ancient Town at night – after all the tourists had gone to bed

Day Two: Exploring Hoi An’s Ancient Town and Biking Through the Local Villages

After hitting the gym (very nice) and having breakfast (massive multi-cultural buffet and a la carte options were included in our room rate), it was back to the Ancient Town to check out the daytime scene.

The lanterns looked a little different during the day, but were still charming
We stopped for Vietnamese coffee at Hoi An Roastery – very strong, but I wasn’t complaining

Vicki was starting to get overwhelmed thinking about all the shopping that she wanted to do, but clearly wasn’t going to lug a bunch of newly purchased goods around on our bike tour. We’d be back.

Next we walked to the Thu Bon River, packed with traditional fishing boats turned tourist attractions
Last stop before embarking on our bike tour? Lunch! We got a table on the balcony at Morning Glory Signature, one of many restaurants by Ms. Vy, a famed Hoi An restaurateur who has built a local empire including ten restaurants, a cooking class, and a hotel. I opted for a healthy veggie stir fry, topped with loads of fresh herbs, of course.

Then it was time to get on our bikes. We found the local office of Heaven & Earth Bicycles, met our guides and our fellow group of travelers, and we were off. While Hoi An’s Ancient Town is on the mainland of Vietnam, the city is actually made up of a number of small islands surrounded by the Thu Bon River. Thus, we started our tour with a boat ride to Duy Vinh Island.

Once reaching Duy Vinh, we hopped on our bicycles and pedaled on dirt roads through lush vegetation until we reached the home of some locals affiliated with the tour company.

Upon reaching the local home, our guides gave us a tour of the simple, open-air wood structure. The ceiling contained wood beams where the residents could climb with their valuables to stay safe during monsoon season, when the heavy rains regularly flood the area.

Note the wooden bed in the back, with the simple straw covering. Our guides told us that the people are most comfortable sleeping on these straw mats; although the surface is hard, it helps to keep them cool.
Next we got to see how the straw mats are actually made, and Vicki got a lesson on how to work the loom (better her than me – she is much craftier than I am).

Stop #3 would be a home “distillery” of sorts, to see how rice wine is made (and taste the final product).

A large vat of fermenting rice
This house also had pigs; this is the mama pig
And here are the piglets. They helped in the production process by providing fertilizer
Then it was time to taste some of the finished product. It wasn’t bad.
They also had a few different types of infused rice wines. This big jug contains king cobra rice wine, which is supposed to increase, um, virility in men. We did not get to try it.
Looking across one of the bridges connecting islands
Crossing the river

Next up was one of my favorite activities of the tour: we’d learn how the local “basket boats” are produced, and would then have an opportunity to paddle around in a boat on our own.

Our vivacious guide, demonstrating how to properly paddle in a basket boat. Hint: there’s a trick to it. Also, it’s important to get in/out and sit carefully, as I’m sure you can imagine that a circular boat has a challenging center of gravity. Falling in the river was not high on my list of activities to check off in Vietnam.

We were joined by an energetic and jovial older woman to help guide us with the boats. She introduced herself as “Sexy Woman.” Wait? Did I hear that correctly? Apparently, yes. On a previous tour, someone had asked her how old she was. She responded, “Sixty-one,” but the tourist interpreted that as “sexy one” and burst out laughing. Not one to miss out on a good joke, she cracked up herself, and has been known as “Sexy Woman” amongst tour groups ever since.

Sexy Woman was quite playful. She secretly started brushing me with a piece of straw as she walked behind me, while Vicki watched the entire thing and laughed.
Not sure how long it took me to finally catch on to what was going on.

Some quick background on the basket boats native to Vietnam: while it has not been confirmed why the boats were first created, the widely accepted theory is that the ingenious Vietnamese people designed the multi-purpose baskets during the French colonial era. France levied a tax on boats that the Vietnamese couldn’t pay, so the fisherman came up with a creative solution: build baskets that could also function as boats, thereby evading the tax.

Sexy Woman, showing off her expert basket boat-driving skills
And I was off! Wish me luck…
Vicki’s turn! See me in the back… I was concentrating intently, but managed to get the hang of the figure eight paddling move while maintaining my balance

After our thrilling experience navigating the basket boats (nobody fell in the water), the day was nearly over. It was time to head to the ferry that would take us back to the mainland.

Behold your intrepid basket boat captains
We finished the day with a bike ride through the rice fields while the sun set in the distance
Then it was back to the mainland (the wind may have picked up at this point)

Once safely back on land, we decided to enjoy the night scene in Hoi An for a bit, then return to the Four Seasons for dinner at their main restaurant, La Sen. Although expensive for Vietnam, the menu looked delicious (a mix of Vietnamese and Indian dishes), and if our breakfast had been any indication, we would be in for a treat. I also wanted to spend some more time at the beautiful property.

The river along the Ancient Town really came alive at night
A close-up of the lantern-lit fishing boats
The town was still lively with shoppers in the evening.
While I didn’t get any pictures to document the phenomenon, we saw a number of couples (and even some families) decked out head-to-toe in matching print outfits. I had no clue that matching prints was a trend until this trip (first in the Maldives, then in Vietnam).
We found the cute White Marble Wine Bar where we could enjoy an appetizer and a glass of wine while looking out over the nighttime street scene. Hoi An’s Ancient Town was undoubtedly touristic, but made for some interesting people watching.
These rice pancakes (banh khot) reminded me of a mini version of banh xeo, one of my favorite Vietnamese dishes.

Dinner at La Sen did not disappoint, but I was trying my hardest to not overindulge since I knew we’d be eating a lot more the following day.

Day Three: Cooking Class and More Exploring Hoi An

For our third and final day in Hoi An, we had booked a cooking class through Hoi An Eco Cooking Class. We got picked up in the morning at our hotel, then headed to the market to buy fresh ingredients with our guide and fellow travelers.

So many fresh herbs

Throughout our many tours, we had the opportunity to taste a number of herbs, some of which were familiar to me (peppermint, lemongrass, coriander, Thai basil etc.) But we tried one that was brand new to my palate: fish mint. This herb deceptively looks like mint, but has a strong fishy flavor that I found revolting. so I learned to be careful before dumping a pile of herbs into a dish indiscriminately.

Moving on to the fresh veggies
All the colors in the market
Side note: Throughout our trip, Vicki and I were continuously amazed by the Vietnamese people (men and women) who could sit in a crouched squat for an extended period of time. The position looked like it would be incredibly uncomfortable for more than a couple minutes, but the locals didn’t seem bothered at all.

We completed our shopping at the market and headed to the cooking school, along the river. Before beginning our lesson, we had one more activity: paddling through the river in… what else? Basket boats! Except this time we’d be passengers.

We were given these conical Vietnamese “leaf hats” to wear on our boat ride
We watched our local boat captain catch some tiny river crabs
Next we pulled up to a local fishing village, where we got to watch a fisherman prepare his net…
And then impressively unfurl it into the river
Peacefully paddling back to the cooking school

Finally, it was time to learn how to cook some delicious Vietnamese food. In total, we would cook five dishes (plus sweet & sour sauce). The school was very accommodating of my special dietary needs, substituting shrimp or tofu for meat in my servings. We’d also learn the process for making rice milk used in the rice pancakes found throughout Vietnam.

First step in making a rice pancake: grinding the rice with this giant mortar-and-pestle-like instrument (it was harder than it looks)
Next, we shook the rice through this circular sifting device (again, harder than it looks)
Third step: using this extremely awkward contraption to quickly grind the rice with water to create a milky liquid (I’m pretty sure that automated gadgets now exist to make this job WAY easier, but I appreciated the manual work that went into the traditional approach. That being said, our instructor was able to expertly operate the grinder with one hand without so much as a glance at the device).
Final step: pouring the rice milk evenly over a flat, hot, nonstick surface to create a thin yet surprisingly strong pancake. It was intimidating, but also the most satisfying part of the entire process.
Then we got to make our first dish: spring rolls with sweet and sour fish sauce.

Like many Asian cultures, the Vietnamese put fish sauce in pretty much everything. The fish flavor is very mild, so I didn’t mind it, but it would have been a challenge to eat in Vietnam if I was a strict vegetarian.

Finally, we got to enjoy the fruits of our labor (before moving on to some more serious work)
Chefs Vicki and Andrea, coming soon to a kitchen near you.
Beef from Vicki and shrimp from me.
Then things really started to heat up. Yes, this was meant to happen. But we’re not going to be trying it at home.
Our finished products: Banana flower salad, Beef noodle soup (I had tofu), Banh xeo, and Aubergine (eggplant) with soya sauce.

After trying so many delectable dishes in the past week, it was great to learn a bit more about how at least a few items were actually made. We were especially impressed with the aubergine dish, since we had yet to taste anything like it in Vietnam. For the record, soya sauce is the same thing as soy sauce, but we added a number of ingredients (tomato, sugar, oyster sauce), then reduced the liquid to make it particularly delicious.

Once we returned to our hotel around 1:30pm, we were delighted to see that the sun had come out. I had booked a massage for later in the afternoon, and Vicki wanted to get back to the Ancient Town to cross off all the items on her growing shopping list, but we finally had some time to lounge by the luxurious hotel pool, cocktail in hand.

Ahhhhh… just heaven

After my massage (I sadly took no pictures of the spa – it was the pure image of peace and tranquility), I knocked out some travel planning and coordinated a meetup with Vicki for a pre-dinner glass of wine at our new favorite wine bar in town. She had embarked on quite the shopping spree, and I found myself feeling regretful that I hadn’t partaken on the retail frenzy myself, but then I remembered that a) I didn’t want to lug any additional items around with me on my travels, and b) I really didn’t need anything else in my already jam-packed Manhattan apartment.

I was particularly tempted to buy a bunch of pairs of baby elephant pants for all my friends with young children, but my practical side got the best of me (in my opinion, elephant pants are not acceptable on adults, but would be pretty cute on little kids).

For our last meal in Hoi An, we opted to try Green Mango. It definitely catered to tourists, but still offered a wide assortment of local food.

I ordered a veggie curry, which was served with rice AND a baguette. Only in Vietnam.

Our flight to Saigon was at 10am the next morning, so we called it a night after dinner to allow us to get to bed at a reasonable hour (we also really wanted to get up early enough to enjoy one last incredible breakfast at the Four Seasons).

Despite the touristic feel of the old quarter, I was glad we went to Hoi An, even if I didn’t take advantage of the shopping or affordable bespoke tailors. It was enjoyable to stroll through the charming town, biking through the countryside was a highlight, and the cooking class was a fun and engaging activity. And of course, I could’ve moved into our hotel.

After a full week in Vietnam, I still had three nights left. Onward to Saigon!

Until next time, Hoi An